Fill out the form on the joining box.
Validate your email address.
Fill in a Headline - Not to long, but meaningful.
Add the text in the profile area. Make it interesting, truthfull and relevant. Keep it polite, explain what your fantasies are, the type of people you are looking for and the type of people you don't want to meet. Tell people the area you want to meet in, if you accommodate people or if you will travel to meet them.
Very Important, be honest. People will catch you out if you lie and will warn other genuine swingers to avoid you.
Search the profiles for the type of people you want to meet.
Write to people you like the look of, but only if you match what they say they are looking for. If you are a single man and the profile says that the couple is looking for a couple, don't waste their time or yours by contacting them.
Respond to everyone who writes to you, even if you are just going to say, "Thanks for your reply, but you don't match what I am looking for right now".
Arrange to meet the people who do match what you are looking for.
Have Fun.
Swingers in Bangalore is the leading source of Swingers Contact Ads. in Bangalore and Karnataka.
We have over 20,000 members in Bangalore with thousands more in Karnataka and over 500,000 members in India.
We work hard to try and keep fakes away from the site, but some will always get through. If you find a fake just send us the profile number and we will check the profile and if we agree it is fake we will remove it.
To maintain your privacy, we have a closed internal mail system. Your incoming messages can only be ready by logging in. You can have a notification sent to your emails if you want to know when you receive a message.
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